HOA and Condominium Association Dues
Important Considerations for Owners
HOA and condominium association dues and fees are protected by statute and by the agreements or documents filed in the public records. Your community depends the property owners’ timely payment of their dues and assessments to maintain the common property. When owners do not pay, the associations can become very aggressive in their collection by hiring attorneys and charging more in attorney fees and costs than what is owed. People have lost their property in foreclosure by the association over hundreds of dollars in unpaid dues and assessments, but thousands in fees, fines and costs.
After the date of filing a bankruptcy, the new debt acquired is not dischargeable in most cases. Even if you have moved out, even if it is surrendered in bankruptcy, as long as your name is on the deed, the association will consider suing you personally to collect the past dues, the fines, and the attorney fees to collect and/or foreclose.
If you are not current with your HOA or condominium association dues and fees and are unable to become current, see Bradenton Consumer Protection Attorney Christopher Mat Hittel or try to work with the association to become current and avoid becoming personally liable for the delinquent fines, fees and costs.
The best solution is to pay on time. When you do have a problem, however, seek legal advice and be sure that you understand the costs of fighting your association.